How do you build trust quickly when you attend Networking Events?

It’s simply easier to do this in person! I know we all work virtual these days, but trust is built more easily
face to face. The whole process of building trust is just quicker. I know, I know, there’s Google Hangouts, Skype and many other video chat programs you can utilize online, but I’m going to give you some “in person” networking tips today.

1) When you attend a networking event, have a specific goal in mind. What is your objective for that particular meeting or event?

2) Be open and introduce yourself and start conversations. It’s great to have your 15 second bio ready to describe what you do.

3) Be attentive and ask questions. How is business going? What struggles are at the top of their lists?

4) Be interested and interesting. Make eye contact and don’t be distracted when you are in conversation with someone.

5) Have your answers ready when you are asked questions about your work, your clients and your reasons for attending the event or meeting.

6) Don’t stay in one spot, move around the room and make contact with as many attendees as possible.

7) Be sure to follow up with individuals you had met and remember to keep in touch after the meeting via phone and email.

When the event ends, it’s never the end. Great business relationships are built in the follow up and continued engagement. Usually, it’s even faster to close new business in person.

So, if you are needing more clients, guests, customers and business partners, I recommend looking into the local Meet Up groups ( your immediate area and start networking!

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