5 Fantastic Facebook Post Types That Increase Engagement
1) Questions – Ask your tribe questions and seek engagement with your fans.
This is probably one of the easiest methods to get responses, dialogue and comments.
You can post a status update with a photo and end it with a question to engage your followers. Just think,
if you did not ask a question, they may read your post and move on.
Example here from Inc. Magazine.


2) Fill in the blanks posts also spark engagement. The blanks act like creative avenues
for people to be creative. These type posts are fun and make interaction fun, interesting and definitely worth while.
Example from Fancy Feast.


3)Photos are definitely necessary to gain more exposure on Facebook. Including pictures in your status updates assures
you more visibility and could be worth a lot of likes, shares and comments. You know the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words?” Well it’s very true on Facebook.
Example from The Huffington Post.


4)Quotes inspire people and are easy to create. Use a free online program like www.canva.com or www.picmonkey.com
to create a background and use a funky text to make the letters for your quote.
Quotes get a lot of shares, likes and are very personal to your followers. How often should you post inspirational quotes,
we’d say about once a week is a reasonable goal.
Example from Inn Social Media Marketing.

5)Tips Posts are always helpful and engaging. Include what the tips mean to you and how you may be using them personally or in your business.
5 Tips on the new Spring Wardrobe “Must Haves”
3 Most Read Business Books and the lessons you’ve personally learned from them.
Example from Mari Smith’s Page.

Tips Post


6) Videos  Many Facebook Pages only have videos because they are so engaging and reach more followers organically than other types of posts.  All types of videos are being used on Facebook, animated, live action, animated text words and more.  Example video post from Nike.


What kind of posts are your favorite?  List the ones that get more engagement and comments, we’d love to hear from you over on our Facebook Page http://Facebook.com/InnSocialMediaMarketing


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