After searching through numerous articles, polls and surveys we have compiled the top recommendations for keeping your business at the top of social media in 2016.  While nothing is a guarantee we highly suggest keeping these policies in mind when creating your social media marketing plan for 2016.

VIDEO, VIDEO, VIDEO….  Still getting Stronger every single day, this is going to be your number one way to connect with your clients. Folks are becoming more and more in the here and now.  They just don’t want info on your business and what is going on, they want to see WHO is in charge and running your business.

With that being said periscope is going to be paramount in 2016 for business success.  Periscope was acquired by Twitter earlier this year.  Periscope users collectively watch over 40 years of live video each and every day.  Snapchat, Instagram and Blab are also on-the-go social platforms using video.  These platforms will allow brands an opportunity to engage on a totally new level.  Just pick one video sharing platform and USE IT in 2016 to make a bigger impact to your business.

INFLUENCE MARKETING.  This is another great way to increase your brand presence on social media.  Owner, clients and employees alike should be sharing photos, videos and experiences with your brand.  More then 25% branded search results are from user generated content.  As we have said many times over in previous blogs, it will be more important then ever to build quality relationships with your followers and friends.  Folks want to know your story.  The story about how the business was formed, and the story about how you use your products, how they have changed your life and that of your customers.

An example of how to humanize your brand check out  This company was able to grow its customer base by leaps and bounds using the word of mouth strategy. They often show how passionate travelers and property owners are and how they offer unique and homey (usually less expensive) places to stay.

MOBILE– Your online business presence must be mobile friendly to survive and excel in 2016.  Optimizing your website for the mobile generation used to be thought of as a courtesy, now it is a absolute necessity.  Aiming your marketing efforts towards the Millennial generation should be at the top of your social media strategy.  If you did not know, over 87% of this generation admits to never go anywhere, or do anything, without their phone.  Do you think your business will attract this HUGE market if they can’t find or see your website?  More and more shoppers are using their mobile devices for research on products and businesses, travel and making purchase on the go.  If you have not completely committed to social media marketing, at least make sure your website is modern and fully optimized for mobile applications and viewing.  Make sure you include video, photos and make sure they are all optimized!!

I hope these top 3 social media strategies for your business in 2016 offers a quick reference in what to pay attention to this coming year.  Contact us at Inn Social Marketing, LLP, if you have questions on Social Media or if you need additional information on optimizing your website for mobile in 2016.  We’d love to partner with you for success in 2016!  Email us @ or by phone @1.609.375.8111.



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