Website presence considerations for all bed and breakfasts and businesses.

Your website is the gateway to your business.  When using social media you will be directing all of your traffic to your website.  You must consider your website presence as well as your social media stats.  Social media has many great benefits to creating more leads and customers for your Inn or business but… you must be consistent, hospitable and have a great website. Your website gives visitors their first impression of you and your business.

You get a whole 7 SECONDS for the first impression to your website, make it great! There are key necessities and questions to ask yourself in regards to your social media and website presence to ensure a great first impression:

–Does my site look clean and uncluttered?

–How does my site look on mobile devices?

–Is my site easy to navigate?

–Does my site have info about me and my company?

–Do my visitors have a way to reach me?

–Can they sign up for more information about my business? I

f you said no to any of these important questions, then you need to re-evaluate your online website presence and brand. That’s what Inn Social Marketing, LLP specializes in.  We can partner with you to improve your website or social media status and it’s easy to get started. If you feel you are already ahead of the game and you answered yes, then your next step is to concentrate on being visible on social media. You may ask what does “being visible on social media” mean exactly?  Well, that answer is not complicated and actually pretty easy. To stay on top of social media you must post daily, and multiple times a day, to multiple social networks.

I know… I know…. that sounds like a lot of work requiring a whole lot of my time! YIKES.  You are right it is a lot of work if you don’t have a plan. Now is the time to reach out to someone who can help. We can help you as we have for ourselves and other clients with their Social Media and website presence needs for over 6 years.  Inn Social Marketing, LLP  can help you too. What to expect when contacting Inn Social Marketing, LLP:

We meet with each client individually to find out their needs We review your website for good content and visual affect We will offer suggestions if needed for web content and vision We create a workable social media strategy We know the tips and tricks to posting on social media.

Or, if you just want to partner with us and outsource your Social Media or webdesign, we have plans for that too. Smart businesses know Social Media and websites are here to stay and very necessary for the continued success of your business.  Sometimes, just finding the time is the most difficult part! Our systems and processes for social media vary the types of posts we create and they will be colorful, fun and motivational.  We always use pictures, photos, videos, lists, contests and much more to reach your followers and keep your readers engaged.

To be successful with Social Media, you need to be helpful, post information that will be useful to your followers and get them engaged with your topics. Share Interesting events in the area, seasonal photos, recipes, pics of staff and guests, with their permission, of course, and much more.

The secrets of Social Media are simple: Be sure to engage with other folks, answer their questions, and respond to comments prospects and clients make. Join in their conversations by liking, commenting and sharing others content and when writing your own posts, you will want to ask others to do the same.  Be sure to have a call to action (something you want the reader to do next) Like, Comment, Follow, Sign Up etc., as often as possible when posting to all your Social Media accounts. Social media is a lot of work, but can be organized so your business reaps the many rewards it has to offer.

You don’t have to know how to do everything yourself. Just be smart and realistic about your Social Media efforts. Inn Social Marketing, LLP is available to assist in any way we can.  Contact us today for more information on our affordable Social Media programs Via email @ or by phone: @1-609-275-8111. And Join us on Facebook click here.

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