Useful Google+ Tips for Your Business
Everybody knows Google, right? Well, we expect that some announcements will come in 2016 about the Social Media Channel Google+ that they started a few years ago. Don’t know, or even want to predict what they will be. What we do know, is that some folks have stated that Google+ was a lost cause and that just isn’t the case. Until we know any different, we’ll continue to use Google+ to connect with prospective customers and make online networking friends.
Here are a few Google+ Marketing tips you may want to consider utilizing for your business:
2) Grow Your Google+ network by commenting and engaging. This is how you build your reputation, and show your skills and expert in your field status. Everyone wants to build their Google+ connections and we believe this is the smartest way to do just that. Next join Communities and be active members.[Tweet “Great Google+ tips”]
Don’t get overwhelmed trying to keep their Google+ stream filled with fresh content in the hopes +1’s, re-shares and new, commenting will attract connections.
Also, start engaging in addition to commenting. Always, add valuable comments to the public posts. Join and engage in the community discussions. Attend and participate in the Hangouts on Air.
Here’s a quick scheduling tip to make this process a little easier. When you use the Chrome browser add the DoShare plugin. It’s free and allows you to share content at the time you find valuable info online. When you see something your Google+ audience can use and you want to share, just click the DoShare plugin and viola…it’s been added to your queue to be shared! Curated content is just as valuable to your community as your own content.
2) Close Off Comments. After there has been a good amount of interaction on a comment thread, simply close off allowing comments. You will receive notifications when anyone comments, and you can reply, respond and add to the conversation. But when you feel the interaction is at an end, just add one final comment and close them off.
It’s easy to close them off, simply click on the upper right of one of your posts and choose ‘disable comments’.
3) Pay attention to your Image Size and the look of your Page or Profile content.
The ideal size for a Google+ image post is a maximum width of 426px with a length of 213px or 319px. This size will give you a visually appealing picture post, which will be plussed, shared and hopefully, induce comments and conversation.
Creating attractive, appealing images isn’t hard at all. Use an online program such as, Canva, or PicMonkey or Buffer Pablo to create the proper sized image. These three are FREE and you don’t need to know Photoshop to create great graphics.
4) This tip actually goes for all Social Media venues. The sizes are slightly different, and you need to pay attention to this when posting.
- Mix up your Post Content. Here’s just a few ideas of what’s best to post on Google+ for success and maximum sharing:
- Charts and Infographics
- Inspirational and Business Quotes
- List Information posts
- GIF’s and Memes
- Tip Posts
- Ask Questions and Take Polls
Google+ marketing enables you to display your knowledge in your niche, show people how you stand out and build your reputation. Remember the 80-20 rule, offer valuable info and only promote your business or offer 20% of the time. Join in the conversation, have fun and go get those Google+ pluses!
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Let us know what you think. Are you using Google+ for your business?
Google+ is a great place to showcase your Business, Service or even announce events! If you have questions reach out to us and we’ll answer everyone.