Our Blog
You know you must get started promoting your Inn or business on Social Media, but which top social media blogs to follow?
To get you started, here is a list of some of the top Social Media Blogs to follow. You’ll get ideas and be able to watch what they post and how often they post.
Social Media Examiner
Your guide to the social media jungle.
Jon Loomer
The go-to guy for Facebook Advertising.
Razor Social
All things social media, founded by Ian Clearly.
Quick Sprout
Social media marketing and internet marketing tips. One of the hottest blogs in the industry,
HubSpot’s Marketing Blog
HubSpot have some great articles on social media and internet marketing.
Boom Social
A great personal blog around social media marketing.
Jenn’s Trends
Great insights from a different view.
Simply Measured Blog
A blog around social media measuring, analytics and ROI.
Marie Forleo
One of the biggest names in entrepreneurship, social media and online business targeted towards women.
Jeff Bullas
Jeff Bullas on social media marketing.
Inn Social Marketing, LLP The go to business for Inns and hospitality venues
Comment and let us know your suggestions for other top social media blogs to follow .

Useful Google+ Tips For Your Business
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LinkedIn for Your Business
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Use Social Media For Online Marketing
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Tips for Staying Motivated
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Top 3 Social Media Trends for Businesses in 2016
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