Hopefully, you are taking a look at your Social Media and measuring your social media success and checking on your ROI, return on your investment.  Be certain to also take note of who, what, where,when and why your content is shared.

  • Who is sharing and spreading your posts and content?
  • What are they sharing and saying to their fans and followers?
  • Where (which social media platform) is the most content being shared?
  • When (what time of day and days) are your followers most engaged?
  • Why are are posts and content being shared?

It’s not hard, but very important that you are measuring your social media success.  By monitoring your website and social media analytics and conversion rates you can determine your ROI and create the types of campaigns that are meaningful to followers of your brand.  You can also you this information to boost your best performing posts which will increase engagement and decrease cost.

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Instagram for Business

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