Our Blog
Have you been looking for where to find social media image info for all of the cover and profile graphics you need? This guide provided by Sprout Social is exactly what you need! Bookmark this URL for handy reference. http://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-image-sizes-guide/

Instagram for Business
I've been a fan of Instagram for a while now and I do believe that it's one of the most up and coming Social Medial avenues you may want to try out for your business. This is a GREAT article that talks about using Instagram for Business. Try some of the suggestions...

How to Beat Facebook Odds
Facebook is fast approaching 2 Billion visitors a day. Currently at 1.49 billion and counting. Almost everyone you know or don't know is on Facebook so how do you beat Facebook odds? Reaching all your friends is getting harder and harder each day. 100% of the amount...

Hello and Welcome
Welcome to our new site dedicated to helping, strategizing and planning all things online, including Social Media for Bed and Breakfast Inns around the world.