Why you should have a Social Media Calendar.

It’s even more important to know what to include on your social media calendar. By keeping a social media calendar and including these specifics, you will be able to keep your channel active and you will keep your content organized and up to date. Here are our tips for structuring your Social Media Calendar.

1) Be Active and post on a regular basis. Keep your blog updated and write your posts, once or twice a week. Posts may be written and scheduled for posting in advance right on your WordPress site. You want to be “top of mind” to your followers and keep your presence in their in boxes. We suggest emailing your list each time you post a new blog and direct them back to your site post. This encourages more followers, more engagement and more participation with your list.

2) Keeping a calendar helps you build a better Social Media strategy. You’ll be able to have an idea of what kinds of posts engage more interaction. You’ll be able to plan for future content based on past behavior from your followers.

3) Mix up your type of posts. It’s even possible to bring back some of your past dated posts and make them current by updating them. Always include images in your posts, and try Top 10 list posts, survey’s, How to posts, and more to be diverse and interesting to your audience.

4)Gain better control and management of your Social Media channels If you have multiple social media channels, keeping all your accounts updated is important with regular posts to all networks. A calendar helps you plan, post and keep all networks current, active and scheduled.

5) Time Restraints and Controls Keeping a current Social Media calendar will save you time. It could become a weekly task instead of a daily one and save you hours of time.

6) Tack your performance and analyze By keeping a SM calendar you’ll be able to see what days, times, type of posts you get better engagement on with your “tribe.” You’ll know what types of content to continue creating for utmost interaction.

Wrap Up The more channels you have the more organized you will be when you use a Social Media calendar. You’ll become more proficient posting regularly and you’ll save time and not feel so overwhelmed by Social Media. Checking your stats will also give you a better perspective of your followers preferences.

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