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Should I be looking to keep customers or obtain new ones, that is the question.  This is a very valid question to ask? When actually the real question is more like, is it less expensive to market for new clients or work on keeping your existing ones?  The answer is, it’s much easier and six to seven times less expensive to keep customers then to obtain new ones.  When you have a happy client they will continue to come back and often refer your business to others, hence free advertising.  Word of mouth and referrals is still a great way to get business and it can be done one on one or to thousands via social media. 

A recent study indicated

– 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 

Another one stated;

-A One-Star increase in a YELP Rating leads to a 5 – 9 % increase in revenue!

And did you know that

-73% of customers say positive reviews make them have more trust in a business they may not already know! 

What’s the easiest way to keep in touch with these clients?  When your clients make a purchase or spend time at your establishment ask for their information (email address, social media profile or even cell phone number) so you can send them information on upcoming sales, events and discounts. 

It’s just smart marketing building those contact lists! If you have a clients’ contact info and you send them periodic specials, information and newsletters, then it’s easy and fairly inexpensive to stay in their thoughts and Top-Of-Mind. Different businesses use different schedules and avenues to keep in touch.  Making it much easier to keep customers then obtain new ones.

Here are just a few ways to keep in contact with your clients:
1) Keep them Informed: Send them discounts or let them know when you are having a sale or even just some basic useful information that would relate to your services.  You can do this via email, text or social posting.

2) Send Thank You Notes: Send them a handwritten thank you for visiting your property or business.

3) Celebrate their Special Days: When it’s their birthday or there is a holiday coming up you can send them a note (there are many options with online ecards, no postage necessary and just as meaningful).

4) Advertise New Programs:  Ever consider creating a frequent guest or customer program to increase your repeat business?  They visit your location x number times and they get a discount or a free item. (the free item can even be a discount to a local store that you can partner with to offer their services to your clients and vise versa).

These are just some of the inexpensive ways to help you build and maintain your client engagement and keep your customer lists growing.

Engaging with your clients on social media is the number one way keep customers or obtain new ones.  Post daily images, deals or specials and you will be in their face almost daily without being a pest.  If you don’t have time to post multiple times a day to multiple social profiles then talk to us at Inn Social Marketing, LLP.  We can partner with you and take the bulk of this work off your plate. Contact us today to learn more about how to keep your customers returning and how to stay engaged with them.  Inn Social Marketing, LLP offers email services, website design, Social Media content creation & management and much more.

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