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Facebook is fast approaching 2 Billion visitors a day. Currently at 1.49 billion and counting. Almost everyone you know or don’t know is on Facebook so how do you beat Facebook odds?

Reaching all your friends is getting harder and harder each day. 100% of the amount of people you are connected with just will not see your posts. I’m not going to even guess at the % that will, as it varies by each post and the Facebook Algorithm is not known and is very confusing. Suffice it to say that unless you pay to boost your post or run ads on Facebook you will only connect with some of your friends. But there are ways to increase your odds of reaching more followers and friends.

Here’s today’s Facebook Reach lesson. I’ve seen it myself, and one of the best ways to up your Facebook Reach is by GETTING MORE COMMENTS, and having more interaction with your friends.

This is not hard to do. Here are our tips and ways you can accomplish this:

-Ask open ended questions that stir reaction and comments from your followers

-When you receive comments, comment back and keep the interaction going. The more comments, the more people will get involved and your reach will expand.

-Hold contests and get votes on A or B

-Post Pictures not just text posts

-Always include links if you are sharing interesting information -Post lists as status updates

-Post pictures with quotes that hold special meaning to you (brand them with your website URL.

-Offer surveys, if you are trying to gather information from your friends There are a lot of other ways too, I know, these just came to mind today.

You may wish to try some over the next month and see if that helps you beat Facebook odds.  Keep watching your Facebook analysis to see the difference in your page and profile response rate.

Carlene is an online marketing wiz and social media manager as well as a past InnKeeper who knows what B and B’s need to propel their online marketing.
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