What is a Social Media manager and do you need one?
A social media manager is the best person to hire when you are serious about developing your brand online and coming up with a focused overall social media strategy.
But….When is it time to Hire a Social Media Manager?
Here are some undeniable signs….
– You are spending hours upon hours on social media every day, neglecting money-making tasks that are just not getting done.
-You are unsure which social media platforms to be active on, or which types of content to post
-You don’t have time to create social media tasks to delegate
-You are already diligently maintaining a social media presence, but you are not connecting with many people or the right people. Maybe you’re not social and do not get joy from interacting with others online!
We work with you to develop a program you can take over and manage, on your terms or we can do everything for you. The choice is yours.
We can help you get started, optimize your profiles and lead you all the way or you can allow Inn Social Marketing, LLP to be your social media managers and do all the work for you.
Social Media isn’t going anywhere and is only going to get bigger and stronger why not harness the experience and professionalism from Inn Social Marketing, LLP, social media managers
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The Hashtag Infographic
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